Costes - LITTLE BIRDS SHIT - usa / canada tour 2007
starring :
Costes & Lisou Prout : Opera Porno-Social
John Sharp, alias Mr Natural : opening act
Scott Nydegger : the booker
Darline : the film-maker of the tour
most photos by Darline, some by Costes and Lisou
Part two : The SOUTH ( from 8th to 21st of february )

--february 8th 2007 - 11 pm
--#1 : Nashville, TN @ Seany Poo
--first show
--in a packed basement

COMMENTS on the show
by the audience and journalists

--february 9th - 3 pm
--driving to Johnson City
february 9th - 7 pm--
the stage is set up
at Hideaway Club
--february 9th - 11 pm
--#2 : Johnson City, TN @ Hideaway
--"devils !"
--straight age christians
--try to stop the show
"sinners go to hell !"--
they don't know that
it's a christian show
february 10th - 3 am
John cooked noodles
after the gig
february 10th - 9 pm
--february 11th - 11 am
--driving through
--Appalaches mountains
february 11th - 7 pm--
Hickory, NC
--february 11th - 10 pm
--#3 : Hickory, NC @ Chez Marque
--"eternal love"
febfebruary 11th - 11 pm----
they love it---
--february 12th - 11 am
--a good nap in the van
february 12th - 5 pm--
radio show at WXYC
in Chapell Hill, NC
--february 12th - 10 pm
--#4 : Chapell Hill, NC @ Nightlight
--"soon, chicken will have teeth"
febfebruary 12th - 11 pm----
we do it for the money--
february 13th - 6 pm--
storm on Georgia's forest
february 13th - 9 pm--
hanging out at Rolling Rock bar
in Jacksonville, FL
--february 14th - 11 am
--north Florida
february 14th - 5 pm--
it's Valentine's day
"ilove you !"
--february 14th - 10 pm
--#5 : Jacksonville, FL @ Yesterday's
--"little birds shit"
febfebruary 14th - 11 pm----
fucking frogs !the-
february 15th - 2 am--
the secret of success :
loading fast by night
february 15th - 10 pm--
eaten by an alligator
in Orlando, FL
february 16th - 1 pm--
arriving in Miami, FL
february 16th - 3 pm--
t'as deja joue au billard
dans un lavomatic ?
--february 17th - 8 am
--International Noise Convention
--at Churchill's Club, Miami, FL
february 17th - 9 pm--
Deluxin' performs at I.N.C.--
--february 17th - 10 pm
--audience at N.I.C.
febfebruary 17th - 11 pm----
#6 : Miami, FL @ Churchill's - I.N.C.--
--"i'm a plucked chicken"--
february 18th - 11 am--
haitian restaurant
in Little Haiti, Miami, FL
february 18th - 3 pm--
alligator on the road
to Tallahassee, FL
--february 19th - 5 pm
--radio V.F.S.
--Tallahassee, FL
february 19th - 6 pm--
radio V.F.S.--
--Tallahassee, FL--
--february 19th - 10 pm
--#7 : Tallahassee, FL @ Conradi st.
--"forgive me ! i loved you !"
febfebruary 19th - 11 pm----
a great show--
with special effects
--february 20th - 3 pm
--Atlanta, GA
february 20th - 8 pm--
"i sold a cd !"--
--february 20th - 10 pm
--#8 : Atlanta, GA @ Eyedrum
--"holy ghost, listen to
--my complaint and my prayer"
febfebruary 20th - 11 pm----
--beer and pot on the parking lot----
february 21st - 2 am--
driving drunk to
New Orleans
february 21st - 6 pm
cruising along
the gulf of Mexico