words & music
 on the road





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#31 : Allo God ?
— Allo ? God ?! Jesus, that’s your dad!
— Allo Daddy ? Yes ,I come home right away... Brother Jimmy, Daddy want to talk to you.
— Allo ? God ? Yes...of course...
I’m your servant...
— What is God will today ?
— God said...”Destroy” !
— My mobile !
#32 :: Biblical funeral

Here comes the punishment the Lord will give.
to all the sinners who fought against him.

They shall rot alive.
Their eyes shall rot in their head.
Their tongue shall rot in their mouth. Their sex shall rot between their legs.
And they shall fear !

They shall fight against their brothers.
And shall fight until death.
Gold, silver, jewelry, houses...
They shall destroy all the wealth.
Camels, lambs and dogs
They will kill all the animals
And wives and children will die too.

Here comes the punishment the Lord will give.
to all the sinners who fought against him.

#33 : Martyred Virgin
[download the mp3]
It’s time to submit. It’s time to surrender.

It’s time to submit. It’s time to suffer.

— I’m so young.
— So, we will cut your wings.
— I’m so cute.
— So we will cut your skin.
— I am Holy.
— So we will cut your breast.
— I am Virgin.
— So we will cut your sex.

Remember the garden of heaven.
Remember the heaven of children
Show me your cock, show me your cunt.

I was in love but you made fun (of me)

It’s time to submit. It’s time to suffer.

It’s time to submit. It’s time to slaughter.

#34 : Glory to the broken lady
That’s life ! That’s shit !

Glory to the Broken Lady .
Glory to the broken body.
Her bloody breast is her holy mark.
#35 :: The Devil shows the way to God
I beg your pardon, my love. I was wrong.
Adieu, je t’aimais !

The Devil shows the way.
The Devil shows the way to God.
#36 : We came from far away II
We came from over the sea
cause you were hungry.
We came from over the sea
to give you some bread.

You don’t accept the bread
cause you’ve got plenty.
You don’t accept the bread
We feel sad and ashamed.

We came from far away
cause you were freezing.
We came from far away
to give you some wood.

You don’t accept the wood
cause you’ve got plenty.
You don’t accept the wood
We feel sad and ashamed.

Ayaya my fellows
don’t you see, don’t you see ?
Ayaya my babies
don’t you see, you lost faith!

Faith ! Faith ! Faith ! Faith ! Faith ! Faith !