Newtime, november 2003
October 2003
reader, october 2003
#2, october 2003
NEWTIME, november
and Co. get you riled up
By Nina Korman
that's not the live version of the Paris Hilton sex video
you're watching. Just a run-of-the-mill perfomance by French
underground artist / musician Jean-Louis Costes. Currently
trekking through 22 cities of this vibrant, tolerant country,
he'll bring his Holy Virgin Cult Tour to Churchill's.
It's an 11-act play, or as Costes like to call it, a "porno-social
ritual", boasting intricate sets and costumes, and a
cast of... 3. A figure not quite as beloved in France as Jerry
Lewis, Costes, who often favors performing naked, can brag
of being repeatedly dragged into French courts owing to the
violent, racist, and brutal content of his songs and his tendency
to incite violence via his art. One person you're guaranteed
not to see at this show tonight: John Ashcroft
(OR), october
La Langue
du culte
musician / thespian / psychotic Jean-Louis Costes humps his
wildly theatrical performance-art-cum-pornograpy showcase
into Portland for the Enteractive Language Festival. Costes
and collaborators will rave and rant in broken english. Enact
sacrilegious sexual rituals (e.g., sodomy.) Abuse all manner
of bizarre toys, costumes and props. And essentially throw
the most blasphemous bacchanal since the Viennese Akyionists
hosted their scatological rampages in 1960s Europe. Needless
to say, the inhibited, repressed and judgmental should not
feel it necessary to attend
, october
In 1997 a group of Jewish students dragged
French absurdist Jean-Louis Costes to civil court for "inciting
racist murder" with lyrics from Livrez la blanche
aux bicots ("throw the White Woman to the Arabs",
self-released in 1989), which contained over a thousand racial
slurs. That suit snowball into a five-year or-deal that cost
Costes thousand of dollars and had him facing the prospect
of prison. In an interview with his ex-wife (and suckdog bandmate)
Lisa Carver for 1997 issue of her fanzine, Rollerderby,
Costes explained himself: "I wanted to do the worst possible
CD, worse than the fascists, just to show them they are not
so bad", he said. "I could be muche worse. Because,
if they look bad, like the worst possible man, then they are
like God, like the devil. But, in reality, they are basic,
middle people, stupid, with no ideas - even about torture.
I can torture a fascist better than he can do. I can imagine
very bad things. So i thought I could do a CD the worst and
show the skinhead bands are just rock 'n' roll, nothing special."
Onstage Costes isn't simply trying to freak people out, though
that he does - he's commenting on the ridiculousness of holding
anything or anyone (including oneself) sacred. Through song
and performance he builds himself up as a godhead, then systematically
destroys this illusion of supremacy, mostly by humiliating
himself (e.g., by sticking a plastic recorder up his ass while
doing a handstand.) Meanwhile, his solipsistic declamations
over stupidly simple keyboard doodles and guitar feedback
degenerate into psychotically atonal caca talk. Though he's
issued more than a hundred albums, videos, and books in his
career, this is his first U.S. performance in 13 years; he'll
be accompanied onstage by two other libertines in a "opera
porno-social" called The Holy Virgin Cult. According
to Carver it involves vomit, shit, six inflatable sex dolls,
bells, a light show and small explosives - so you've been
(OR), october
needs to be brought back into focus: evil! Jean-Louis
Costes keeps it real as only as French Absurdist can. Watch
him fuck someone in the face.
of the most sexually graphic and politically deviant performance
to hit the U.S. for Halloween...