CD11 "jap jaw"


excerpt 0.08 (wave, 85ko, 11khz, 8 bits)

we are ready to die for the sake of civilisation, and i don't mean those stupid materialistic values
fridge and tv we don't care, we don't need those stupid japanese gadgets
the white civilisation is not a store full of goods
we are not a bunch of niggers worshipping a toaster!

we are not born to work neither to beg
we are born to lead, to take, to use, to kill!
we are white predators!!

north, west, gods and technics, everything we robbed
from niggers, indians, arabs, chinese...from everyone, from everywhere

our elders where barbarians roaming the german forests
we burnt bysance, roma and mecqua, we burnt everything, we were hated!
because we hated decadent civilisation living just for sex and luxury
japanese shit, we don't like it!

us we rob, rape, kill, we use the world untill we die, we use our body untill we die
we don't care, we don't pity, we are not christian middle class equalling hidden rotten ugly biggots!

we don't live for money and gossips, we do what we think is right -
Copyright Costes 1996-1997