costes cassette 1990
the bleak twins (with Lisa Suckdog)
1 in a dream
2 we don't know what to say
3 his dramatic suicidal action
4 all the songs have to be written
5 questioning our existence
6 under this snow blanket
7 winter
8 we are very sick, maybe we'll die
9 this turn
10 maybe someday
11 we are bleeding
12 to be around so many sparkling, witty people
1 life with the bleak twins
2 we are the bleak twins
3 we cannot go
4 the night remembers
5 what changed you ?
6 this is the lull
7 our mother
8 our brain said to us
9 what do you think about this song ?
10 we get tired
11 we were in church
12 our father